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Death By 5g and Chemtrails - The Big Zap ⚡

Death By 5g and Chemtrails - The Big Zap ⚡
Category: News
1 month ago

What is the two most important threats to human life?

Possibly the most important information that you will read today that affect the lives of our family and friends in the current world we live in:

Chemtrails: If you have ever wondered why the skies don’t look like they used to since 1996, there has been an increase in chemical trails, also known as chemtrails, which many people know nothing about. If you are curious what they use in these chemtrails, several studies of analyses carried out have verified the presence of the following elements in the chemtrails: barium, aluminium, radioactive thorium and caesium, copper, titanium, silicon, lithium, cobalt, lead, ethylene dibromide and several pathogenic agents [1]. These metals reside in the air and slowly decent in the air into our lungs, eyes and eventually end up in the water and soil. The media and prominent figures such as Kill Gates (Bill Gates) often spread misinformation and lies about what the purpose of these are for and say they are to protect us from global warming [2].

5G Towers: These cause the microwave syndrome: These towers they have been putting up aggressively over the past 4-5 years are being installed including schools, fire stations, highways and neighborhoods. Several studies have been done about how the effects of 5G would lead to a huge increase in microwave radiation [3]. No research shows that 5G is safe for health and the environment. The most important question you should ask yourself is has your cell phone speeds increased at the rate that they have installed these in all the highly densley populated areas?
5g is also a mass surveillance system which they can track and trace anyone anywhere which this technology. These towers are equipped with beam forming technology which allows it to lock on to targets and direct a focused beam of (EMF) electromagnetic waves to that target. Everyone that lives or drives by these towers will not be able to escape from this programmed assassination!

If you have ever been exposed to these heavy metals via chemtrails by breathing them into our lungs or exposure to the eyes, or with vaccinations/injections [4] , or have any metal in your bodies would be highly concerned about being around these 5g towers.  There are several studies of negative health effects of 5g such as: like chronic disease, comprimised immune systems, dementia, cancer, etc... No one is safe from these depopulation tactics that are being implemented on us unless you live in an area with no cell phone bars coverage, on an island or a country that does not have 5g towers or chemtrail spraying.

Ask yourself one question:  What does metal do in microwaves?

There is more information and a simple solution to this human extinction problem in the video links below:
5G Microwave Death Towers (The Death Star’s Weakness)
  5G Cell Phone MIcrowave Towers Contain Circuit Boards that say COVID-19 ????⚡????

5G Towers Are The EMP ????⚡????

Chemtrails + 5g Towers = Cancer And Death

5G Towers Being Destroyed Worldwide

American’s Are Being Microwaved to Death By 5g

5g Towers are the #1 Threat To Humanity

Rebel Telecom Worker Hero Takes Out 8 Slow Kill Death Towers ????
  What Is The Great Reset? The Big Zap???????? ᯓ ✈︎ = ????????????

If you want to help your fellow human beings and loved ones out, please share this blog post and hopefully this information will be noticed by our politicians, local leaders, church leaders, etc..

There is an answer to this human extinction problem we are facing ᯓ ✈︎⚡ that has been mentioned on websites like bitchute and rumble that state that these 5g towers love fire and guns, whatever that means?

"Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more". - Morpheus
"What you allow will continue."- Elizabeth Gilbert
"If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster." - Koyaanisqatsi Documentary
"Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky." - Koyaanisqatsi Documentary
"A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky, which could burn the land and boil the oceans." - Koyaanisqatsi Documentary

Watch Koyaanisqatsi Full Movie: https://watchdocumentaries.com/koyaanisqatsi/

1. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-7-2012-002906_EN.html
2. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dqa8mnFl7tqK
3. https://ehtrust.org/study-5g-causes-microwave-syndrome/
4. https://www.bitchute.com/video/75takgR9t2wC